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Peer Reviewed Publications

Asiri IM, R. Chen, H.N. Young, J. Codling, A. Mandawat, S. Beach, V. Master, J. Thapa, Cobran EK. 2021. Race and Prostate Specific Antigen Surveillance Testing and Monitoring 5-years after Definitive Therapy for Localized Prostate Cancer. Nature: Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases.

Ishino, F., C. Rowan, R. Das, J. Thapa, E. Cobran, M. Whiteside, and F. Williams. 2021. Identifying risk profiles of malignant prostate cancer surgical delay using a person-centered approach to understand prostate cancer disparities: The constellation of health determinants using latent class analysis on cancer registry data. American Journal of Men’s Health. 10.1177/1557988320984282

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