This project’s objective is to find ways to inform policy and programs to promote physical activity in the schools.
The CDC recommends children and adolescents ages 6 through 17 years should get 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily. However, decreasing levels of physical activity is a public health concern. We are interested in finding ways to inform policy and programs to promote physical activity in the schools.
Involved Team Members
Peer Reviewed Publications
*Jue, Y., Thapa J., K. Thapa, D. Zhang, M. Lan. 2022. Physical Activity Environment Inside and Outside School and Youth Fitness: A Spatial Analysis at the Level of Elementary School Attendance Zone in Georgia. Indoor and Built Environment.
Thapa, J., K. Thapa, Y. Li, J. Ingels, L. Shi, D. Zhang, Y. Shen & K. Chiang 2022. Electronic Vapor Product Use and Levels of Physical Activity among High School Students in Georgia. Tobacco Use Insights.
Thapa, J., I. Metzger, J. Ingels, K. Thapa & K. Chiang. 2022. School climate-related determinants of physical activity among high school girls and boys. Journal of Adolescence.
*Greer, J., K. Thapa, J. McNulty, J. Thapa, 2021. Parental School Involvement on Physical Activity and Screen Time among Middle and High School Students. Journal of Georgia Public Health Association.
Corso, P., J. Ingels, J. Thapa, and M. Davis. 2020. Implementation of a Statewide Policy Mandating School-Based Fitness Assessment Screening, Georgia: 2018. American Journal of Public Health. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2020.305834
*Ingels, J., K. Thapa, and J. Thapa. 2020. Cigarette and Electronic Vape Product use Among High School Students in Georgia, 2015-2018. Preventive Medicine Reports.
*Thapa, J., J. Ingels, K. Thapa, M. Davis, and P. Corso. 2020. School characteristics and its association with changes in physical activity opportunities. Plos One; 15(2):e0228716. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0228716.
Thapa, K., I. Irene, L. Mu, M. Davis, and J. Thapa. Impact of statewide physical activity promotion program on physical fitness at the school level (under review)
Conference Presentations
Thapa, J., K. Thapa, J. Ingels, M. Davis, and P. Corso. Change in school level physical activity after the implementation of state physical activity policy. Active Living Research Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, February 17-19, 2019 (Oral)
Yang, J., K. Thapa, L. Mu, and J. Thapa. Geographic pattern and variation of childhood physical activity, physical fitness and their association with the built environment in Georgia. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, 2020 (Oral)
Thapa, K., Ghimire, R., Rajbhandari-Thapa, J. (2018). Do Physically Active Students Perform Better in School?, Atlanta Regional Commission Conference, 2018 (Poster)
Tiwari, B., Matta, J., Thapa, K., Shen, Y., Thapa, J., Thomsen, M. (2023). School Climate-related Determinants of Gender Gap in Physical Activity among Middle and High School Students, American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting and Expo, Atlanta, GA, November 12-15, 2023 (Oral)